Professional Acne Collection
Many adolescent girls and young suffer the devastating physical and emotional effects of acne. Pollution, dust, radiation, dry air and other environmental factors can clog pores and aggregate acne outbreak, which may result in acne scaring. During summer months you should cleanse and moisture skin frequently to keep pores from clogging and skin from drying out.
Repiderme has developed a collection of skincare products specifically formulated to address acne problems in adolescents and young women. These products assist in regulating moisture balance in skin; reducing bacteria on the skin’s surface; and eliminating toxins and other environmental influences that cause inflammation, swelling and painful skin eruptions to restore a healthy complexion.
Repiderme Acne Collection
Detox Acne Gel Cleanser
This powerful, deep-cleansing, herbal gel moistures and assists in detoxifying the skin’s pores to help prevent inflammation and acne outbreaks.
Instructions: Wet skin surface, press the nozzle on the container, squeeze 1-2 drops onto hands and evenly massage into facial skin, wash off with water after about one minute.
Ingredients: activating peptide, eight OTHER peptides, wild chrysanthemum extract, dandelion extract, witch hazel extract, honeysuckle extract, aloe extract, jojoba esters such as polyoxyethylene
Acne Detox Lotion
Our Acne Detox Lotion is a gentle, cool, herbal moisturizer that deeply penetrates skin to help detoxify pores and prevent inflammation associated with acne outbreaks.
Instructions: After cleansing the face with Detox Acne Gel, drop 1-2 drops onto hands and evenly massage into facial skin until completely absorbed.
Ingredients: activating peptide, eight other peptides, wild chrysanthemum extract, aloe vera extract, plant collagen, hyaluroni acid propylene glycol, alkyl glucosides, and alkyl glucosides , jojoba esters of polyoxyethylene
Mud Mask
This mask penetrates the skin’s epidermis, deeply moisturizing and detoxifying skin to reduce and prevent acne activity, repair damaged skin texture, and produce a smooth, radiant, healthy complexion.
Instructions: After cleansing, smooth mask over face. Leave on for about 20 minutes, then rise with water. The recommendation for medicinal use is three skin-regeneration cycles. One skin-regeneration cycle usually occurs every 28 days. If the skin cuticle–outer most layer of skin–has become thin and weak, we recommend using this mask for eight cycles–about eight months to improve the condition of the skin.
Store this product in a cool, dry place, avoiding heat or direct sunlight to ensure stability of product’s quality.
WARNINGS: Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, rinse eyes immediately with water. If skin anomalies occur after using, stop using and consult a dermatologist. use , please stop using and consult skin doctor. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: activating peptide, eight peptides, hyaluronic acid, volcanic lava, witch hazel extract, aloe vera extract, and other natural ingredients